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Why Does My Finish Nailer Keep Jamming – Best Solution 2023

Do you ever feel your finish nailer isn’t working the way it should? If you’ve been experiencing issues with jamming or misfires and questioning, “Why does my finish nailer keep jamming?” then you’re not alone – and we want to help! Over the years of use, problems with fastening power tools can arise. But when they do, there’s hope – because most of these issues you can resolve at home. In this post, we’ll look at why your finish nailer could keep jamming so that you can get back to your project confident and ready to go!

Main Issues For Finish Nailer Keep Jamming

1. Clogged air flow – Clogged air flow is one of the most common causes of your finish nailer jamming. Air tools need a certain level of air pressure to function properly. So if there’s any blockage in the system, it can reduce or stop the power needed for the job. To clear out any blockage in the system, you can use a simple air compressor line tool to remove debris and restore airflow.

2. Low nail pressure – Another cause of jamming is low nail pressure. It occurs when insufficient force is distributed from the tool to drive nails into your material. If this is the case, you’ll need to adjust the nail pressure on your finish nailer. It is usually done through a knob or switch, which you can find on the side of the tool.

3. Worn-out parts – Lastly, if your finish nailer keeps jamming, it could be because of worn-out parts. Over time, the wear and tear of use can cause parts to become worn down and need replacing. If you suspect this is the case, be sure to look up your tool’s model number so that you can get the correct replacement parts for it.

Detail Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Clearing the jammed nails

The first step in resolving why your finish nailer keeps jamming is to make sure you’re clearing the jammed nails properly. You’ll need to use a pair of needle nose pliers or tweezers, as pulling them out by hand can increase the chances of further jams. Before continuing, clear the jammed nails from all parts of the nailer.

  1. Check for Air Flow Blockages

Once you’ve cleared out any jams, it’s time to check for airflow blockages hindering your finish nailer’s performance. It is easily done with a simple air compressor line tool that you can buy from most hardware stores. All you need to do is insert the end of the tool into your nailer’s air intake and spray a small burst of air. If there are any blockages, You should remove them quickly and easily.

  1. Adjust Nail Pressure Settings

After you’ve ensured that the airflow is working properly, it’s time to look at your nail pressure settings. It is usually done with a knob or switch, which you can find on the side of the tool. 

  1. Check Your Nails

It’s important to make sure you’re always using the right size of nails for your finish nailer. It is usually done with a set of calipers or a ruler. But you can also consult the manual with your tool to get an exact nail. Once you’ve gone through these steps, your finish nailer should be back up and running as normal. If not, it may be time to replace worn-out parts or call a professional for help. With these simple steps, you’ll have your finished nailer working like new in no time! 

  1. Check if you are using the correct fastener type.

In some cases, your finish nailer could be jamming due to using incorrect fasteners. Make sure you use the correct fastener for your tool and material. Incorrect or incompatible fasteners can cause jams and damage to your finish nailer.

  1. Reload the Magazine

Before beginning any project with your finished nailer, reload the magazine with nails. A common cause of jamming is running out of nails while in use and not realizing it until a jam occurs. Always watch your nail count as you work, and refill the magazine when needed.

  1. Replace Seals and O-Rings

Any worn-out seals or O-rings inside the finish nailer can also cause jams. Check for any wear and tear on these components and replace them if necessary. It will help keep your finish nailer in top working condition.

  1. Check for worn-out parts.

If all the above steps don’t help, then it’s likely that one or more of the internal components in your finish nailer are worn out and need replacing. To do this, you’ll need to consult the manual that came with your tool and look up the correct replacement parts. After replacing them, your finished nailer should be back to working as normal.

  1. Take It to the Service Center

If all else fails, it might be time to take your finished nailer to a professional repair center. There, skilled technicians can diagnose and fix any issues with your tool. It is often the best option if you have difficulty troubleshooting. Or if the problem persists despite trying the steps outlined above. Following these simple steps ensures that your finish nailer runs smoothly and efficiently all year round.  

Discover Oiled And Oilless Nails

Finally, it’s important to understand the difference between oiled and oilless nailers. Oiled nailers need regular maintenance, while oilless ones do not. If you’re using an oiled finish nailer, make sure to lubricate it regularly to reduce the chances of jamming. And if you have an oilless model, keep an eye out for any potential obstructions or blockages. Following these simple steps ensures that your finish nailer runs smoothly all year round. Happy nailing!


If your finish nailer is jamming, there are several things you can check and troubleshoot before taking it to the service center. First, clear any jammed nails and check for airflow blockages. You may also need to adjust the nail pressure settings or reload the magazine. If you’re still having trouble, replace seals and O-rings or check for worn-out parts. Finally, if none of these solutions work, take your nail gun to the service center. Do you have any other tips for overcoming finish nailer jamming? Let us know in the comments!


What Psi Should I Use For The Finish Nailer?

The ideal PSI for a finish nailer will depend on the type of material you are working with. Generally speaking, most materials need a PSI between 70 and 120. Consult the manual that came with your tool if you need more specific information.

How Often Should I Lubricate The Finish Nailer?

If you have an oiled finish nailer, it’s recommended to lubricate it every few months or so. Oilless models don’t need regular lubrication, but it’s still a good idea to check them periodically for any signs of wear.

Why Does My Pneumatic Nail Gun Jam?

There are several potential causes of jamming in a pneumatic nail gun. These can be due to using incorrect fasteners, running out of nails while in use, worn-out seals or O-rings, and inadequate lubrication. Make sure to follow the steps above to get your finish nailer back up and running.

Why Does My Milwaukee Nail Gun Keep Jamming?

The same causes of jamming for any other pneumatic nail gun typically apply to Milwaukee nail guns. Check for the following before calling a service center. Incorrect fasteners, worn-out seals or O-rings, and inadequate lubrication. If all else fails, take your tool to the nearest service center for expert help. 

Why Are Nails Not Coming Out Of My Nail Gun?

If nails are not coming out of your nail gun, it’s likely due to a clog or obstruction in the magazine or nozzle. Make sure to clear any obstructions and refill the magazine if necessary. Also, check for worn-out seals or O-rings and replace them if needed. If all else fails, take it to a service center for expert help.

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