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BOSTITCH N66C-1 Coil Siding Nailer Aluminum Housing

We have seen many framing nailers including coil framing nail guns so far. But not one that can assure of siding nail jobs. Today we’re saved by Bostitch. Bostitch presents BOSTITCH N66C-1 Coil Siding Nailer Aluminum Housing that is made with one particular job in mind that is siding.Let’s see some specifications before we jump into the Bostitch N66C-1 review.

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  • Brand : Bostitch
  • Model : N66C-1
  • Power : Compressed airNail
  • size : 1-1/4-inch to 2-1/2-inch
  • Magazine : 350 nails& 100 caps
  • Pressure : 70 to 120 psi
  • Dimension : 11” x 5” x 12”(LxWxH)
  • Weight : 4.9 lbs.
  • Warranty : 1 year


  • The model N66C-1Bostitch made, uses wire weld and plastic inserted nails.
  • To adjust desired depth quickly and conveniently, there’s a tool-free depth adjustment setting.
  • For durability and stable handling, the gun has a slick design and is made of aluminum. Thus, the gun weighs only 5.7 pounds.
  • Bostitch N66C-1 coil siding nailer also has soft rubber foot to prevent damage of any kind of soft wood surface.
  • To direct exhaust from the user, it uses a tool-free adjustable exhaust system


The BostitchN66C-1 nailer is powered the same as other pneumatic nail guns. The working pressure of this unit is 70 to 120 psi.It’s so powerful that it can create 500 pounds per inch when the compressor is set at 100 psi.


The nails used in N66C-1 are wire weld and plastic inserted. The length must be 1-1/4” to 2-1/2” and the magazine can hold 350 nails at a time. Nailing is easy because of its lightweight. Other tool-free features also make nailing easy as pie.


The design of Bostitch N66C-1 coil siding nailer is engineered for quickness, reliability, and efficiency. Reliability is achieved through an aluminum body.There’s soft rubber foot so that you don’t take any damage while nailing quickly. It comes with a case to carry it anywhere you want. It can direct the exhaust air away from you while working. This enables maximum efficiency at work.At this point in Bostitch N66C-1 review, we’ll see the detailed pros and cons of possible solutions of BOSTITCH N66C-1 Coil Siding Nailer Aluminum Housing.


  • Wire weld and plastic inserted nails
  • Quick depth-adjustable system
  • Lightweight design using aluminum for durability
  • Prevent any damage to softer woods
  • Adjustable exhaust using no tool
  • 350 nails magazine capacity


  • Couldn’t drive nails in flush
  • Multiple jams and bent nails
  • Driver freezes
  • Problematic deck construction


The first problem seems something that can be solved by adjusting the right depth. The next one is a bit tricky. Jammed nails can be removed easily. But bent nails and stuck driver is a bit serious. Go to your local repair shop. After the repair, use oil properly every day. There should be no problem left.The same problem of freezing driver in shot mode. Checking the air compressor removing water from the compressor tank and right air pressure can solve the problem. If not solved, you should take it to warranty or local servicing point.The final problem is something that cannot be solved. Because it clearly says that this gun is particularly for siding, not for deck construction. So, use something else for those kinds of jobs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Is this possible that this gun can handle nailing off wall and roof sheathing like the N75C-1?
  • A: Yes, it can and we recommend you to use Bostitch nails for trouble-free operation.
  • Q: Is it possible for me to use one gun for both siding and plywood sheathing?
  • A: Yes, Bostitch N66C-1 can do both siding and plywood sheathing pretty well and you can use Bostitch nails for smooth operation.
  • Q: Have anyone used this gun on hardy board?
  • A: Yes and sometimes it is recommended to make a bit angle while shooting so that it doesn’t go deep. Keep the pressure around 100 psi.
  • Q: Does N66C-1 need oil?
  • A: Some reviews may tell you that no oil is needed. But professional users recommend to use one or two drops of oil every day after work. It will keep the tool smooth as silk.
  • Q: What is the nail Shank size range does Bostitch N66C-1accept?
  • A: The recommended Shank size range is .080″ to .099″ and 1.25” to 2.50” in length 15-degree coil siding nails are allowed only.

Final Verdict

We got some complaints about jamming nails more than other nailers. Otherwise it’s a good and reliable gun for siding jobs. Do some research on coil siding framing nail guns, check some of our other siding nailers, and then decide to buy one.BOSTITCH N66C-1 Coil Siding Nailer Aluminum Housing is not on the top of the list but worth checking out.